This is the one-day intensive Mark Griffin gave on April 7th, 2012.
"The nirvikalpa is a very advanced and esoteric state of consciousness. It could also be said that the nirvikalpa is the place where consciousness reaches the Ompoint, where consciousness is characterized as the infinite consciousness and the infinite unconsciousness operations. The entrance into the nirvikalpa is often begun with the savikalpa. In other words, one comes through to behold the great Ocean of Consciousness, dives in and swims, and experiences the ecstasy of the inner connection of the individual with the great Ocean. And there's a kind of dissolution. In other words, by swimming in the Ocean in the savikalpa state, you start to dissolve. The nirvikalpa state is the movement of one's attention, one's consciousness, to and merging with the Om point."
10 pages
Hard Light Raw Transcripts are un-edited, and are taken directly from talks by Mark Griffin. They are formatted in large print and are easy on the eyes. They are available in two formats: Digital Download e-books in PDF format.